Another year is about come to an end, leaving us with memories of tiger blood, a royal wedding, sweet satin jackets with scorpions, dragon tattoos, zombies and a slightly creepy, skinny Jonah Hill. The year had it's share of pop culture highs and lows. Somethings were amazing, while others made me wish I could scrub my brain with Comet and erase them.
Best of Film:
Everything about this film is perfect. I do not understand why more people are not talking it for awards season. So much more than a fighting film. Tom Hardy, Joel Edgerton, and Nick Nolte had me bawling and cheering. Best thing I saw all year.
2.) Shame
Eye opening and heart breaking. Michael Fassbender gives a gut wrenching performance that sticks with you.
3.) Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy
A spy film the way they don't make them anymore. No gadgets, gizmos or over blown special effects. Just conversations and amazing performances.
4.) Our Idiot Brother
Sweet and endearing. Paul Rudd always finds a way to burrow into a small corner of my heart.
5.) 50/50
This movie proves that you can find bright spots in life, even in the darkest of times. Kudos to the writers and actors.
Now, on to the badness......and it is Awful.
Worst of Film:
1.) Jack and Jill
The picture says it all. I've watched better things happen when I have a raging case of the flu.
2.) Breaking Dawn Pt.1
The most anti climatic film I have ever seen. They could have stopped trying to cash in with two shitty films and made one quality film. Shame on me for even viewing it.
3.) Sucker Punch
What could have been a fantastic film was turned into a convoluted, far fetched story with way too much cgi. A swing and a miss.
4.) Bad Teacher
Remind me again why this was made??? Not funny and a total waste of time.
5.) Bucky Larson
I barely consider this a film. it's more like a social experiment in how much stupidity an audience can take. Only reason it is not my #1 worst is because it should never be #1 for anything, EVER!!!!!!!!!!
That's it for my film wrap up. I urge you to see my top 5 best and avoid the 5 worst at all costs. 2011, I bid you adieu!!!